Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Useful info - NOIDA Authority

Thought the following numbers/link could be put to effective use by
many of us in Noida. When you come across an instance of public system
malfunctioning, such as street lights turned on in broad daylight or
water pipes leaking or sewage blockages, please do make sure to take a
few minutes out to bring it to the notice of the concerned authority,
using the info below [Kindly share if you know better]. I found it on
the web today after I encountered a large water pipe leaking on my
ride to work. The response was satisfactory: I even got a call back on
my cell within minutes for providing help in locating the place.

For water and electricity matters: 2420817(O), 9213711001[This cell
number is not mentioned on the site below]

Noida Authority Online:

PS: May be, someone could share similar info for Delhi, Gurgaon,
Ghaziabad, etc. as well. At the end of the day, the quality of
governance is proportional to the pro-activeness of citizens.



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